Virtual meetings are essential for the smooth functioning of your businesses. But keeping your employees engaged throughout the meeting can be challenging. They may get restless if the meeting runs too long or if the …
Liam Martin
Liam Martin
Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Time Doctor,, and the Running Remote Conference, and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Running Remote." He advocates for remote work and helps businesses optimize their remote teams.
With the world moving into another phase of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of companies are joining the remote work revolution. From flexible schedules to access to a broader talent pool, …
Remote work has been the norm since the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, employees experience burnout symptoms more often with the constant meetings and notifications that come with synchronous work. Fortunately, asynchronous collaboration makes it …
Effective virtual meetings have become indispensable to business success as an increasing number of companies adopt digital initiatives and remote work models — thanks to the pandemic. So, you need to take a closer look …
Employee onboarding has clear objectives: help employees build relationships, understand work expectations, and accustom them to the company culture. However, achieving these goals can be challenging during remote onboarding since you can’t have in-person interactions …
Asynchronous (async) work is an arrangement where employees can work individually whenever they like. Many companies have adopted this work system due to its ease of functioning and better employee satisfaction. However, to get the …
Thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic, people across the globe today have warmed up to the idea of remote working and even prefer it over traditional offices. That’s why employers should seriously think about remote work …
The Coronavirus pandemic and the resulting lockdowns have changed the world of work. Remote work is the new normal, with several employees preferring to work remotely even after the pandemic. However, creating a positive remote …