Interested in the hybrid workplace model? Many employees would prefer to work from home full-time, even after the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. However, firms need to have at least a few members in …
Liam Martin
Liam Martin
Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Time Doctor,, and the Running Remote Conference, and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Running Remote." He advocates for remote work and helps businesses optimize their remote teams.
Interested in call center attendance management? Managing attendance is crucial as every call center needs a sufficient number of agents present for each shift. Only then can you keep clients satisfied and meet service level …
Want to hire a Chinese virtual assistant? From accounting and improving customer experience to data analytics and more — virtual assistants can do a wide variety of tasks. And while the process of hiring them …
Want to create a flexible work environment? A flexible work environment offers many benefits — from increased productivity and cost savings to a better work-life balance. And while managing a flexible work arrangement can seem …
Curious about time management reporting? It’s no secret that keeping track of employee time can significantly improve your team’s productivity and profitability. However, tracking work hours involves analyzing hundreds and thousands of records in employee …
Curious about productivity reporting? Today, business owners can track, record, and report every employee activity within their organization. They can even use this data to measure employee performance and gauge overall productivity. But why does …
Want to know how to track team productivity? Business owners are often worried about how productive their team members are. However, tracking your team’s productivity can be challenging — especially in a remote work environment. …
Looking for powerful time management tools? Effective time management is as important for an ambitious individual as it’s for a mission-driven team. Fortunately, modern software can enable you to leverage powerful time management skills. In …