Looking to create a flexible work schedules policy? With most of the world still facing severe consequences due to the COVID 19 pandemic, businesses have had to alter the way they work, almost overnight. One …
Liam Martin
Liam Martin
Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Time Doctor, Staff.com, and the Running Remote Conference, and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Running Remote." He advocates for remote work and helps businesses optimize their remote teams.
Looking for the best billing timesheet template? If you’re an accountant, construction contractor, or freelancer, you need to track your billable hours to ensure you get paid correctly. Moreover, as an employer, you need to …
Looking for the ultimate construction timesheet template? Construction timesheets are a useful way to track the hours worked by a construction employee or general contractor. The information collected is primarily required for accurate billing as …
Wondering how to ask to work remotely? With the COVID 19 pandemic and the subsequent virtual work transition, several companies recognize the benefits of remote work. However, many businesses plan on opening their doors soon …
Looking for the best time management activities for your team? With only twenty-four hours per day, it can be challenging to complete all routine activities on our daily schedule — especially when we spend a …
Looking to improve your company’s workplace flexibility? With all the curveballs 2020 has thrown us, like the Coronavirus pandemic, many employers are opting for a more flexible workplace approach. But why? Workplace flexibility is a …
Wondering how to avoid time wasters? Everyone wants to be at their productive best and have absolute control over their time. Unfortunately, from the latest Netflix show to unnecessary watercooler talks, there are so many …
Searching for a great TeamViewer alternative? TeamViewer is a remote access software mainly used as a customer support solution across organizations. However, it’s not the best tool out there. For starters, TeamViewer is version-specific, which …