Curious about time management styles? It’s no secret that everyone is interested in managing their time better. And while there are general tips and techniques to help you manage your time better, like organizing your …
Liam Martin
Liam Martin
Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Time Doctor,, and the Running Remote Conference, and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Running Remote." He advocates for remote work and helps businesses optimize their remote teams.
Wondering if there’s a correlation between employee engagement and productivity? Most companies focus on boosting employee engagement, and for a good reason. It’s a factor that is responsible for increasing profits, skyrocketing productivity, upgrading customer …
Curious about HR outsourcing? Your human resources department plays an essential role in your company’s success, and there are two options to manage your organization’s HR function. You could either hire in-house HR staff for …
Are you managing a virtual team, but are confused about how to do it right? With the COVID-19 pandemic, working in a virtual setting has become the new norm with a sudden rise in remote …
Are you searching for solutions to prevent overworking employees at your organization? It’s no secret that having overworked employees is usually an indicator of your poor organizational performance. Unfortunately, many companies tend to overlook the …
Trying to find ways to inject some fun into your remote team’s work days? With COVID forcing employees to adopt remote working, communicating with teams via apps like Slack and Zoom has been on the …
Confused about the differences between productivity vs efficiency? Productivity and efficiency are both crucial metrics when it comes to assessing the performance of your business. In fact, they’re so extensively used that most people use …
Looking for ways to manage your workload efficiently? Managing your team members and keeping track of their workloads isn’t easy. If you overestimate your team’s capacity or put too many to-do lists on an employee’s …