Interested in learning about some engaging team building activities? Sure, team building activities are a great way to boost morale, increase collaboration and create a group of tightly-knit coworkers. However, team building activities are only …
Liam Martin
Liam Martin
Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder of Time Doctor,, and the Running Remote Conference, and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, "Running Remote." He advocates for remote work and helps businesses optimize their remote teams.
Not sure how to measure sales rep productivity? As sales is such an important department for any company’s bottom line, it’s essential that your sales reps are as productive as possible. However, accurately measuring sales …
Interested in conducting excellent virtual team meetings? You’ve come to the right place! While remote work is becoming increasingly popular, most managers are still confused about how to conduct meetings with their remote employees. Luckily, …
Want to learn how to measure employee productivity in healthcare? Knowing how productive your employees are is essential in just about any industry, including healthcare. This way, you can better determine if you’re meeting patient …
Wondering how to measure productivity of employees working from home? While remote work helps employers reduce costs, it also offers a better work life balance to employees, who benefit from increased productivity. And with the …
Finding it hard to conduct an employee performance assessment for remote employees? Performance reviews can be intimidating enough as they are. And with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing companies to switch to remote work arrangements, managers …
Looking to train your virtual team? Thousands of companies are now employing remote teams to quickly scale their workforce. But hiring remote teams comes the added challenge of delivering the necessary training virtually. A solid …
Looking for an employee attendance tracker to manage your team? Keeping track of employee attendance is vital for any business, large or small. However, without the right tools, this process can be a herculean task. …