Freelancer and Upwork are freelancing sites that facilitate and streamline the process of hiring virtual or remote workers.
The benefits of working remotely are unmatched. Remote work translates to flexibility, autonomy, and often less time on the clock.
At Time Doctor, our best (and favorite) marketing channel is content focused SEO.
Achieving maximum employee efficiency is one of the biggest challenges for any business owner or manager. Employee efficiency refers to the ability of an employee to perform his/her job effectively and efficiently. Efficiency depends upon …
Did you know 3.9 million Americans now work from home at least half of the week? And, the practice of hiring remote workers is continually trending upward.
Did you know 59% of companies that outsource do so as a means to cut organizational costs?
Remote work is more popular than ever. Software developers often work with clients around the world,
In a town hall meeting and blog post from the VP of Product, Upwork recently announced