Send accurate time tracking data to Deel
Time Doctor’s integration with Deel makes it easy for HR teams to upload employee timesheet data to Deel, reducing the workload on HR staff from having to input changes multiple times in different work systems. The integrated system ensures all information is consistent across every system. Managers can review and approve employee working schedules and time for payroll processing with higher efficiency and accuracy than ever before.
Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.
Enable Deel Integration in Payment Methods under Payroll on your Time Doctor app
Automate timesheets and upload them for batch payments and bulk billing
Set up payroll for “Pay-as-you-go” contracts
Quickly and accurately finalize your payroll with the Time Doctor Deel integration
Reduce manual work and simplify your life!
Discover better Deel payroll processing with automatic time tracking and streamlined payments.
Time Doctor makes Deel payroll easy for businesses, both small and large. Managers create projects and tasks. Employees can easily track their time with the click of a button. The smart software from Time Doctor organizes this data to create automatic timesheets that are automatically uploaded on Deel, without having HR teams to manually update this data.
Payroll shouldn’t be complicated
Save time and money with a more efficient system for processing payroll.
Say goodbye to long spreadsheets, manual entries, and the risk of human error in payroll processing. Streamline payments with Time Doctor timesheets and Deel integration.
Protecting against non-compliance
An automated time and attendance system will help your company maintain its compliance with wage and hour laws. Archived time records and policies (and more consistent data collection overall) will help make complying with various wage and hour laws and regulations much less onerous for employers. In the event a business is audited for allegations of wage and hour violations, the data accuracy generated through Time Doctor and Deel integration will help facilitate the audit process.
Promote accountability and increase productivity with Time Doctor
In addition to faster and more efficient payroll, you can help your employees use their time productively while at work. Our smart time-tracking software analyzes time to show productivity with web and app history reports, optional screenshots, and pop-ups that remind employees to stay on task.
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