Track time better with the Intervals and Time Doctor integration.
Experience better project management and time-tracking capabilities in Intervals with the Time Doctor Chrome extension. If you’re already using Intervals for your small business, then you know the importance of tracking time. After all, time is money and it’s one of your business’s most valuable resources.
Let’s face it, most workplaces require a variety of apps and software. Sometimes traditional time tracking isn’t as accurate as it should be and just can’t keep up. That’s where we come in. The Time Doctor Chrome extension enables smart, down-to-the-second time tracking for your tasks in Intervals as well as in many of the other programs you and your team use throughout the day.
Our Time Doctor Chrome extension will insert an easy-to-use start/stop timer directly into your favorite programs including Intervals, Google Apps, Office 365, and more. It’s so convenient to use that tracking your time will become almost effortless. In addition to tracking time, Time Doctor offers employee monitoring, optional screenshots, distraction alerts, downloadable CSV timesheets for payroll processing, and more.
Improve time tracking for small businesses with Intervals and Time Doctor.
All businesses – especially small businesses and growing companies – know the importance of tracking time and prioritizing tasks. Both of these factors contribute to a company’s success, helping to keep projects on time and under budget.
So, equip your team with the tool they need to improve time tracking and efficiency at work with the Intervals and Time Doctor integration. Companies using Time Doctor achieve a 22% boost in productivity on average.
How is this possible? The instant accountability that time tracking offers helps improve project planning and workflow while eliminating time-wasting behavior. Users have access to reports that show the time spent on each task along with daily, weekly, and monthly reports. Employers and project managers also have access to their team’s productivity with real-time updates and summary reports.
How to integrate Time Doctor with Intervals.
After signing up and downloading Time Doctor, it’s easy to integrate with Intervals and many of the other apps you already use. For companies with 20 or more users, free onboarding support is available.
Click here to watch our video on how to get started with the Time Doctor Chrome extension.
Some important things to keep in mind:
The Chrome extension is only available for interactive users. (It’s not available for silent mode.)
Time tracking for tasks must be enabled during the initial setup. You can also access this setting on the Time Doctor dashboard under Settings -> Company Settings.
Admins must enable integrations by navigating to Settings -> Integrations on the dashboard.
Once signup and integration are complete, you’re ready to start tracking time for tasks in Intervals and the other apps your team uses each day. We’ll do the hard work by gathering your tracked time together in one spot. You’ll find it all on the Time Doctor dashboard, where you’ll be able to view and analyze time use, productivity, web and app history, and more.
Other benefits
Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.
Web & app usage
Track your teams’ digital journeys. Cut out distractions and time drains.
Client login access
Let your clients watch their projects take shape and track their progress.
Unusual activity report
Catch unusual mouse clicks and keyboard strokes with AI. Make sure your time tracking stays accurate.
Work scheduling
Set your employees’ work schedules and compare them to actual hours worked.
Payroll reporting
Streamline your billing, budgeting, and payroll with integrations. And improve accuracy.
Inactivity alerts
Instantly know when your workers lose focus. Nudge them to get back on track.
Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.