Track time in Sentry with the Time Doctor integration.
Software teams and developers can easily track time in Sentry with Time Doctor.
Identifying and fixing errors in applications is complex enough without the additional administrative work that’s required (time tracking, project management, and payroll). This is where Time Doctor comes in.
Our smart time-tracking and project management software helps freelancers, companies, and outsourced teams save time and money by streamlining workflow and eliminating manual timesheets through our easy-to-use productivity tool.
It will help you know how long tasks take, set realistic timelines for projects, and make it easier to prioritize, assign work, and track progress.
Time Doctor is one of the best time-tracking options for programmers and developers.
With so many integrations and countless customization options with the API, Time Doctor is the ultimate productivity tool to use with Sentry. Daily, weekly, and monthly summary reports let you see how long projects take so that you can bill clients accurately and pay employees based on actual time worked.
The tracked time automatically creates verified timesheets that can be uploaded for easy payroll processing. Beyond time tracking, an analysis of time use is available to show productive hours vs. unproductive with web, app, and chat histories.
A screenshot feature is available to monitor employees that work remotely or overseas, giving project managers real-time access to see project progress instantly.
Distraction alerts pop up when users visit unrelated sites or apps as well as if their computers are idle for too long to help users stay focused and on task during work hours. On average, businesses report 22% greater productivity with Time Doctor. The best part is that it’s so easy to get started and use daily. You and your employees will love it! Try Time Doctor for free today.
Use Time Doctor with your existing programs, including Sentry.
It’s easy to track time in Sentry with the Time Doctor Chrome extension. First, sign up for Time Doctor. If you work with a team, invite them to join. We’ll send them an invitation directly with all the details needed to get your team started.
Second, download the Time Doctor Chrome extension. This extension makes it nearly effortless to track time directly in your favorite programs, including Sentry. While using the program, simply click on the timer to start or stop tracking time for each task. We’ll do the rest of the work for you, including organizing your time reports.
Say goodbye to those unreliable and inaccurate timesheets that come with manual tracking. Say hello to the evolution of time tracking with our trusted system.
In addition to tracking time in Sentry, we offer integrations with GitHub, GitLab, Jira, and more. Time Doctor tracks time in all of these different programs and combines the data in one easy-to-use dashboard.
Discover a better way to manage your projects and payroll today!
Other benefits
Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.
Web & app usage
Track your teams’ digital journeys. Cut out distractions and time drains.
Client login access
Let your clients watch their projects take shape and track their progress.
Unusual activity report
Catch unusual mouse clicks and keyboard strokes with AI. Make sure your time tracking stays accurate.
Work scheduling
Set your employees’ work schedules and compare them to actual hours worked.
Payroll reporting
Streamline your billing, budgeting, and payroll with integrations. And improve accuracy.
Inactivity alerts
Instantly know when your workers lose focus. Nudge them to get back on track.
Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.